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THE OLD TIMES / beginners-guide
Darragh talks or smth idk
Johnny Spike 05/05/2021 8:39 PM
This server can be really confusing with all the junk on it. If you ever get lost, refer to the Official Beginners' Guide To This Server. Which is this. ---------------------------------------
THE MOVIE NIGHT Our pride and joy, the Crowned Jewel of this server, so much so that the name and cover photo of the server changes bi-weekly to match the upcoming film! Every other Friday night at approximately 8pm GMT (subject to the whims of God), the entire server is invited to watch a film in the "Movie Nights (poo)" voice channel. The film in question is decided upon bi-weekly via a voting process. What's the voting process? Refer to "The Voting Process". THE VOTING PROCESS If you make your way to the "Important" category, you'll find yourself at the 'Potential Movies' channel. After every Friday Night Film, all participants of that week's Movie Night may vote on 3 separate films with a guile_pog emote, the overall winner of the vote is the film that will be watched next Movie Night and the rest of the films are culled. GET YOUR MOVIE IN THE RUNNING "But how do you decide on what films are voted on?" you might be asking. Well so did we, several times, until we decided on a system. Users with the Knights role or higher may submit one film per week to be voted upon after the next movie night. How do you get the Knights role? Well we gotta like you. Users who show up semi-frequently to the Movie Night will be noted and given the Knights role. You watch the films, you get to submit some. Simple. THE PRE-NIGHT FIGHTS At approximately 6pm GMT every Friday Night, I host the Pre-Night Fights, a sub-event where any interested parties can enjoy some fighting games. If you're interested, make your way to the #pnf channel and throw an @ my way, and don't forget to Flair yourself as a pre-night fighter in #role-selection. This helps us and yourself to call on other people for some games. (edited)
THE REST OF THE CHANNELS If the rest of the channels are as much of a confusing Labyrinth to you as they are to me, then you'll probably need this. "WELCOME" --------------------------------------- #announcements - Self-explanatory. #rules - There are no real rules in this channel. #role-selection - Pick a role, any role. #enjoy-your-stay - Welcome to the server. "MOVIES" --------------------------------------- #cover-photos - The artists of our server are free to create a cover photo to match the weekly film and submit them here to be used. #the-running-order - A chronology of all of the films watched at the Movie Night. #personal-ratings - A place to share your rating of the films watched during the Movie Nights. Numerical ratings only. (edited)
"SOCIAL" --------------------------------------- #general - Likely the most normal channel we have. It's for general discussion. What is general discussion? Good question. #pnf - Ideally? Fighting game discussion. Realistically? General 2. #italian-whispers - A channel for use in a drawing game we created and occasionally play after the film on Friday night. Participation of all skill levels is encouraged! (edited)
"SPAMMY SHIT" --------------------------------------- #the-greatest-shits - Immortalisations of some of the server's better moments. #ourt - Put your art here. We'll look at it. No pressure. #art-n-music - Share art and music, mayhaps even talk about. #spam-memes - The pinnacle of useless blabbering, meaningless shitposting, and senseless arguments. (edited)
"MISC" --------------------------------------- #poo-updates - The oldest gimmick in the server. Our King talks about his most recent poo, and occasionally rates it. The frequency of each update is a little inconsistent. Like his poo. #other-peoples-poo-updates - Our king graced the peasantry with the ability to discuss their very own poos. How nice. #shitposting - A channel for poo-themed funny pictures. Pee memes are sometimes allowed. #pee-updates - Take a guess. #lego-death-star-updates - Our king has been building a Lego Death Star, he talks about it here. Pew pew. "VOICE CHANNELS" --------------------------------------- #no-mic - A text chat for users in a voice call. "THE OLD TIMES" A channel created for the purpose of archiving old text channels we didn't have the heart to get rid of, despite my best efforts. --------------------------------------- #partnered-servers - Our partnered servers. Again, self-explanatory. #servers-ive-been-banned-from - A chronology of all the servers our Admin has been banned from. #event-hype - If you are particularly excited about the upcoming movie and wish to express your excitement, then we have had just the channel for you! #guile-wouldnt-be-proud - Our NSFW channel. Who is Guile? Why him in particular? Ask around, you'll hear a different story from everyone. #memes-but-not-good-ones - Old meme channel. #available-emotes - A really dumb and stupid and lame channel made by discord user @A Humble Nadsaline (goo/ber) that lists all the emotes like we don't already fucking know. #bully-gungus-channel - A channel dedicated to the bullying and exposing of Discord User @Deditated Aram (Pubey/Boy). #the-cartridge - A channel made on a whim where many members of the server were turned into bullets for reasons unknown. #throw-up-contest - This channel was created per @A Mumbo Jumbo (Hermit/Craft)'s request to talk about her vomit. Do with that what you will. (edited)
WASD (gamer reference) 04/10/2022 6:40 PM
Wahaha! (edited)
Johnny Spike 04/10/2022 6:56 PM
What mischief are you up to this time
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